Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

Agenda: Addressing income inequality among minorities.

ECOSOC (The United Nations Economic and Social Council) is dedicated to establishing global frameworks that promote a higher standard of living. Being established by the United Nations Charter in 1945 and consisting of 54 member states, ECOSOC is one of the six principal organs of the United Nations. The committee is responsible for finding solutions to various international economic, social and environmental issues.

Background Guide

Meet your Executive Board

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Preksha Mehta (Co-Chair)
Preksha is passionate when it comes to debating and is hard-working through all her endeavors. She’s new to the game with 2 years of experience, however, she has 100% placement with being awarded honorable mention and the best delegate. She finds comfort in reading books, binge-watching insanely lengthy tv shows, and is in constant pursuit of being "the Pinterest girl”. She is ecstatic to have all of you participate in the pressing debates of ECOSOC.

Jahnavi Padmanabhan (Co-Chair)
Jahnavi started her Model United Nations journey in the 8th grade. Throughout her MUN experiences, she has had the privilege of consistently earning recognition in every committee she’s participated in, including awards such as Outstanding Delegate and Commendable Delegate in more than 10 MUN’s. Additionally, Jahnvi had the honor of serving as an Assistant Director at the prestigious Harvard MUN Conference in Dubai in 2022. She is enthusiastic about the upcoming session and looks forward to engaging in meaningful discussions and contributing to an overall productive experience.

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Sachi Sahai (Moderator)
Shachi has an avid interest in forensic science and biology. Along with these skills, she is an avid debater not just regarding forensics, but also regarding politics and current global issues. Having experiences attending 2 JMUNs and volunteering for the International Press at last year's JMUN, she is more than ready to approach the task of being a moderator for ECOSOC head-on. Her interests also lie in historic weaponry, embroidery, macrame, baking and she participates in Muay Thai.

Pratham Ram Gowda (Moderator)
“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity” - Sun Tzu

Pratham, a distinguished student diplomat with nearly 10 MUN conferences and a few accolades to his name, is known for his versatile lobbying and passionate speeches. Beyond MUN, he excels in swimming and basketball. His interests span global finance, history, and world politics. As this year's ECOSOC committee moderator, Pratham brings knowledge and enthusiasm to foster thought-provoking discussions.

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